viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

FW: Global Write for Rights event launches! Are you on board?

Acabo de comprometerme a escribir algo sobre los presos de conciencia, darles un mensaje de aliento y que sepan que habemos muchos que luchamos por la defensa de sus Derechos y que estamos indignados por la forma en que han sido tratados; buscamos terminar de una vez y para siempre con estos abusos que se cometen en todo el mundo contra quienes tienen la valentía de expresar sus opiniones y de manifestarse en contra de las injusticias.....
Traducción del inglés al español, de la carta que Amnistía Internacional me envió:
Estimado Jesús,

Escribe por los Derechos comienza mañana.
Decenas de miles de personas en todo el mundo están participando en el Mundial anual de Amnistía Escribir-a-thon, se unen para escribir cartas que pueden salvar vidas.

Es su última oportunidad de unirse a nosotros antes del lanzamiento oficial del evento.
Jesús, que se registra hoy y nos comprometemos a escribir por lo menos una carta de libertad de presos de conciencia y para detener los abusos de los derechos humanos?

Sí, voy a enviar una carta de la esperanza en diciembre.
Voy a escribir para los Derechos.

Usted no estará solo. Casi 50.000 personas ya planean participar.
Y más de 800 eventos de escritura para los Derechos están llevando a cabo en los Estados Unidos, incluso con más eventos ocurriendo en todo el mundo.

Uno de estos acontecimientos, en Chicago, contará con un invitado muy especial - un hombre que simboliza exactamente por qué es que estamos escribiendo. Ed LeMaster sabe lo importante que son sus cartas.
En 1961, las cartas de simpatizantes de Amnistía ayudó a ponerlo en libertad.

Ed, misionero en Angola, fue encarcelado en 1961 como un preso de conciencia, injustamente acusados ​​de actividades terroristas.
Su caso fue parte de la primera de Amnistía diciembre campaña de cartas, hace 50 años.

50 años después, todavía escribe por la justicia. Este año, Ed LeMaster celebra su 50 aniversario de la libertad y la van a escribir con nosotros. Vamos a escribir en todo el país - desde Homer, Alaska, a Nueva York. Roosevelt High School en Los Angeles es la organización de una asamblea de más de 1.200 estudiantes a escribir de los derechos.
Birtukan Mideksa - un preso etíope de conciencia y escritura anterior para el caso de los derechos que fue liberado en octubre de 2010 - se unirá a una escritura para el evento de Derechos Humanos en Washington, DC.

La respuesta ha sido realmente inspirador hasta el momento. Pero todavía necesitamos su ayuda para alcanzar nuestra meta de 250.000 cartas prometido. Cada letra que importa.
Ed LeMaster todavía tesoros hasta el último de la suya.

Todo comienza mañana. Escribir cartas a amplificar las voces de los gobiernos están tratando de silenciar. Escribir cartas exigiendo la libertad.
Escribe cartas de solidaridad.

Hay muchos gobiernos en todo el mundo que les gusta pensar a los prisioneros han sido olvidados, y que sus acciones injustas pasan desapercibidos. Nos ayudan a arrojar luz sobre las violaciones de los derechos humanos.
Únete a nosotros y escribir de los derechos.


Michael O'Reilly
Director Senior de los individuos en la campaña de riesgo
Amnistía Internacional EE.UU.

Carta original:

Don't let the world's largest human rights event happen without you!


Dear Jesús,

Write for Rights begins tomorrow. Tens of thousands of people around the world are participating in Amnesty's annual Global Write-a-thon, joining together to write letters that can save lives.

It's your last chance to join us before the event's official launch. Jesús, will you sign up today and pledge to write at least one letter to free prisoners of conscience and to stop human rights abuses?

Yes, I will send a letter of hope this December. I will Write for Rights.

You won't be alone. Almost 50,000 people already plan to participate. And more than 800 Write for Rights events are taking place across the United States, with even more events happening worldwide.

One of these events, in Chicago, will feature a very special guest -- a man who symbolizes exactly why it is we're writing. Ed LeMaster knows how important your letters are. In 1961, letters from Amnesty supporters helped to set him free.

Ed, a missionary in Angola, was imprisoned in 1961 as a prisoner of conscience, wrongfully accused of terrorist activities. His case was part of Amnesty's first December letter-writing campaign, 50 years ago.

50 years later, we still write for justice. This year, Ed LeMaster celebrates his 50th year of freedom and will be writing with us. We'll write all across the country -- from Homer, Alaska, to New York City. Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles is organizing an assembly for over 1,200 students to write for rights. Birtukan Mideksa -- an Ethiopian prisoner of conscience and former Write for Rights case who was freed in October 2010 -- will join a Write for Rights event in Washington, DC.

The response has been truly inspiring so far. But we still need your help to reach our goal of 250,000 letters pledged. Every letter matters. Ed LeMaster still treasures every last one of his.

It all starts tomorrow. Write letters to amplify the voices governments are attempting to silence. Write letters demanding freedom. Write letters of solidarity.

There are many governments around the world that like to think their prisoners are forgotten, and that their unjust actions go unnoticed. Help us shine a light on human rights abuses. Join us and write for rights.

Thank You,

Michael O'Reilly
Senior Director, Individuals at Risk Campaign
Amnesty International USA

"It was a great joy to receive cards"

Ed LeMaster

Amnesty supporters have been writing letters to free prisoners of conscience since 1961. Ed LeMaster was one of the first to be freed through Amnesty's work -- and this year he'll be writing for rights too. Will you join him?

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Amnesty International

Don't let the world's largest human rights event happen without you!


Dear Jesús,

Write for Rights begins tomorrow. Tens of thousands of people around the world are participating in Amnesty's annual Global Write-a-thon, joining together to write letters that can save lives.

It's your last chance to join us before the event's official launch. Jesús, will you sign up today and pledge to write at least one letter to free prisoners of conscience and to stop human rights abuses?

Yes, I will send a letter of hope this December. I will Write for Rights.

You won't be alone. Almost 50,000 people already plan to participate. And more than 800 Write for Rights events are taking place across the United States, with even more events happening worldwide.

One of these events, in Chicago, will feature a very special guest -- a man who symbolizes exactly why it is we're writing. Ed LeMaster knows how important your letters are. In 1961, letters from Amnesty supporters helped to set him free.

Ed, a missionary in Angola, was imprisoned in 1961 as a prisoner of conscience, wrongfully accused of terrorist activities. His case was part of Amnesty's first December letter-writing campaign, 50 years ago.

50 years later, we still write for justice. This year, Ed LeMaster celebrates his 50th year of freedom and will be writing with us. We'll write all across the country -- from Homer, Alaska, to New York City. Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles is organizing an assembly for over 1,200 students to write for rights. Birtukan Mideksa -- an Ethiopian prisoner of conscience and former Write for Rights case who was freed in October 2010 -- will join a Write for Rights event in Washington, DC.

The response has been truly inspiring so far. But we still need your help to reach our goal of 250,000 letters pledged. Every letter matters. Ed LeMaster still treasures every last one of his.

It all starts tomorrow. Write letters to amplify the voices governments are attempting to silence. Write letters demanding freedom. Write letters of solidarity.

There are many governments around the world that like to think their prisoners are forgotten, and that their unjust actions go unnoticed. Help us shine a light on human rights abuses. Join us and write for rights.

Thank You,

Michael O'Reilly
Senior Director, Individuals at Risk Campaign
Amnesty International USA


  "It was a great joy to receive cards"

Ed LeMaster

Amnesty supporters have been writing letters to free prisoners of conscience since 1961. Ed LeMaster was one of the first to be freed through Amnesty's work -- and this year he'll be writing for rights too. Will you join him?

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