viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

FW: Next Steps: Guantanamo Crisis in Congress / Tomar conciencia..... y actuar en consecuencia....

Continuando con el tema de la defensa de los Derechos Humanos, trascribo una traducción del inglés al español, de una carta que me enviaron y que considero muy importante:
Hola a todos,

Lamentablemente, anoche el Senado de EE.UU. aprobó disposiciones sobre detención en el 2012 de la Defensa Nacional Acta de Autorización (NDAA) que violan los derechos humanos y se mantendrá abierto Guantánamo.
Véase la declaración de Amnistía Internacional está aquí.

Hay algunas buenas noticias sin embargo: una serie de enmiendas terrible - incluyen la infame "tortura" enmienda del senador Ayotte (R-NH) - fueron derrotados.
Muchas gracias a todos ustedes para enviar correos electrónicos y hacer llamadas a los senadores desde julio, juntos, hemos hecho más de 1.000 llamadas y envió más de 25.000 mensajes de correo electrónico.

A continuación, el Congreso va a reconciliar el Senado y la Cámara de versiones de la legislación.
En ese proceso, las disposiciones de detención puede empeorar.

En términos de acción:
Creemos que la mejor estrategia en este momento es objeto de instar a Obama a hacer realidad su amenaza de vetar la legislación.
Por favor ayúdenos a conseguir tantas llamadas a la Casa Blanca tan pronto como sea posible!
Ejemplo de Guión - Línea blanca Casa comentario: 1.202.456.1111

Hola, mi nombre es ___________ y ​​estoy llamando para instar al presidente Obama a vetar la Ley de Autorización de Defensa Nacional de 2012 (S. 1867) si se aprueba el Congreso con las secciones 1031, 1032 y 1033 - o cualquier otra disposición que se violan los derechos humanos los derechos y mantener Guantánamo abierto. Estoy en contra de la detención indefinida, las comisiones militares de Guantánamo, y quiero que el centro de detención cerrados. Detenidos deben ser acusados ​​y juzgados de manera justa en EE.UU. la corte federal, o ser puesto en libertad. Quiero seguridad con los derechos humanos.

Si tiene tiempo, por favor llame a su representante y senadores:
Ejemplo de guía para los miembros del Congreso - el suyo Mire y
Hola, mi nombre es ___________ y ​​estoy llamando para Representante (o senador )____________ saber que se oponen fuertemente a las disposiciones de detención en la Ley de Autorización de Defensa Nacional de 2012. Quiero que las secciones 1031, 1032 y 1033 - o cualquier otra disposición que viole los derechos humanos y mantener abierto Guantánamo - despojado de la legislación. Estoy en contra de la detención indefinida, las comisiones militares de Guantánamo, y quiero que el centro de detención cerrados. Detenidos deben ser acusados ​​y juzgados de manera justa en EE.UU. la corte federal, o ser puesto en libertad. Quiero seguridad con los derechos humanos.

Por favor, hágamelo saber si usted llama, de manera que podamos llevar la cuenta.

También, por favor asegúrese de firmar para arriba para el Día Nacional de Acción contra Guantánamo. Estaremos formando una cadena humana entre la Casa Blanca y el Capitolio y te necesitamos aquí! Si usted no puede llegar a DC, por favor, la celebración de eventos de solidaridad en su comunidad.
Obtenga más información e inscribirse en
Muchas gracias por todo lo que hacen!


Agrego, además una trascripción de la carta en comento, por si no aparece en el post:
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately, last night the US Senate passed detention provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that violate human rights and will keep Guantanamo open. See Amnesty International's statement here.
There is some good news however: a number of terrible amendments--include the heinous  "torture" amendment of Senator Ayotte (R-NH)--were defeated. Many thanks to all of you for sending emails and making calls to Senators since July; together, we made over 1,000 calls and sent over 25,000 emails.
Next, Congress will reconcile the Senate and House versions of the legislation. In that process, the detention provisions may get worse.
In terms of action:
  • We believe that the best strategy right now is to focus of urging President Obama to make good on his threat to veto the legislation. Please help us get as many calls into the White House as soon as possible!
Sample Script - White House comment line:1.202.456.1111
Hello, my name is ___________ and I am calling to urge President Obama to veto the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012  (S. 1867)  if it passes Congress with sections 1031, 1032, and 1033--or any other provisions that would violate human rights and keep Guantanamo open. I am against indefinite detention, Guantanamo military commissions, and I want the detention center closed. Detainees must either be charged and fairly tried in US federal court, or be released. I want security with human rights. Thank you.

If you have time, please also call your Representative and Senators:
Sample Script for Members of Congress - Look yours up at and
Hello, my name is ___________ and I am calling to let Representative (or Senator)____________ know that I strongly oppose the detention provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. I want sections 1031, 1032, and 1033--or any other provisions that would violate human rights and keep Guantanamo open--stripped from the legislation. I am against indefinite detention, Guantanamo military commissions, and I want the detention center closed. Detainees must either be charged and fairly tried in US federal court, or be released. I want security with human rights. Thank you.
Please let me know if you call, so that we can keep a tally.

Also, please be sure to sign up for the National Day of Action Against Guantanamo. We'll be forming a human chain between the White House and the Capitol and we need you there! If you can't make it to DC, please hold solidarity events in your community. Get more info and sign up at
Many thanks for all that you do!
Zeke Johnson
Director, Security with Human Rights Campaign
Amnesty International USA
5 Penn Plaza, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Desk: 212.633.4256
Cell: 646.853.9779


Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 16:11:26 -0500
Subject: Next Steps: Guantanamo Crisis in Congress

Hi everyone,
Unfortunately, last night the US Senate passed detention provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that violate human rights and will keep Guantanamo open. See Amnesty International's statement here.
There is some good news however: a number of terrible amendments--include the heinous  "torture" amendment of Senator Ayotte (R-NH)--were defeated. Many thanks to all of you for sending emails and making calls to Senators since July; together, we made over 1,000 calls and sent over 25,000 emails.
Next, Congress will reconcile the Senate and House versions of the legislation. In that process, the detention provisions may get worse.
In terms of action:
  • We believe that the best strategy right now is to focus of urging President Obama to make good on his threat to veto the legislation. Please help us get as many calls into the White House as soon as possible!
Sample Script - White House comment line:1.202.456.1111
Hello, my name is ___________ and I am calling to urge President Obama to veto the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012  (S. 1867)  if it passes Congress with sections 1031, 1032, and 1033--or any other provisions that would violate human rights and keep Guantanamo open. I am against indefinite detention, Guantanamo military commissions, and I want the detention center closed. Detainees must either be charged and fairly tried in US federal court, or be released. I want security with human rights. Thank you.

If you have time, please also call your Representative and Senators:
Sample Script for Members of Congress - Look yours up at and
Hello, my name is ___________ and I am calling to let Representative (or Senator)____________ know that I strongly oppose the detention provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. I want sections 1031, 1032, and 1033--or any other provisions that would violate human rights and keep Guantanamo open--stripped from the legislation. I am against indefinite detention, Guantanamo military commissions, and I want the detention center closed. Detainees must either be charged and fairly tried in US federal court, or be released. I want security with human rights. Thank you.
Please let me know if you call, so that we can keep a tally.

Also, please be sure to sign up for the National Day of Action Against Guantanamo. We'll be forming a human chain between the White House and the Capitol and we need you there! If you can't make it to DC, please hold solidarity events in your community. Get more info and sign up at
Many thanks for all that you do!
Zeke Johnson
Director, Security with Human Rights Campaign
Amnesty International USA
5 Penn Plaza, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Desk: 212.633.4256
Cell: 646.853.9779

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